“Should I put a QR code on my business card?”
Jenny Olding posed this question not on Google but on Facebook. She got a better answer, and much more.
SEO will always be important, but there’s a significant shift in how people find information on the Internet. It comes from the combination of social and mobile. When business professionals need immediate answers to tough questions, their first move is to reach out to their social networks from a mobile device. As a marketer or business owner, you need to be there waiting to respond to their very special invitation.
Savvy business professionals are discovering that social shouting is not only ineffective, it drives prospects away. Social listening on the other hand, engages new contacts and builds relationships.
The Art of the Social Ask
J. Summer Rogers, CEO of nPruv, Inc. finished her presentation yesterday with, “Here’s my ask.” For me it was the best idea to come out of the, IoT (Internet of Things) Start-Up Table Breakfast.The technology start-up community here in San Diego gets it. Asking questions engages prospects, investors and prospective team members.
Would you like to increase your social engagement? All you have to do is ask.
5 Tips to Improving Your Social Engagement
Pose a genuine, thought-provoking question – If your question is self-serving or self-promotional, don’t bother. Most folks on social have their BS filter on max.
Answer a thought provoking question, thoughtfully – Have an opinion? State it, but respectfully. I think QR Codes, like all technology that include the word “Cool” in their definition, as stupid. I simply shared why I thought they were less than effective. What I liked best about Jenny’s thread was the real world examples and multiple points of view.
Honor the Conversation and Contributors – I adding an update to Jenny’s thread stating clearly what I liked best.
Engage Contributors – I use social engagement to build relationships with those I serve best. As suggested by Jon Ferrara, CRM Pioneer and Founder of, “Walk in your prospects digital footprints.”
Close the Loop – If you start a social ask, finish it. Thank everyone, share what you decided and most importantly, your results. Handle this right and you will earn the right to ask a second question.
My Social Ask
I’m considering closing comments on my blog. I’m finding that ideas spread faster via social. If you find value here, please consider sharing it socially.
This blog was written by Jerry Gitchel, Make Technology Work