Tom Kereszti


Company: The John Maxwell Group

Founded: 2005

Leadership coach: Tom Kereszti

Product/Service: Leadership development, workshops, mentoring, coaching, public speaking


Location: 1185 First Avenue, Suite 201, San Diego, CA 92101

Contact info:

Tom Kereszti
[email protected]
[email protected]

Upcoming special event: LIVE2LEAD, leadership development seminar

  • National simulcast hosted by John C. Maxwell, Leadership expert, best-selling author, life coach; and Dan Cathy, President/CEO, Chick-fil-A
  • Friday, Oct. 7, 2016, 8 am to 2:30 pm
  • General admission: $35; VIP admission: $65 (includes afternoon workshop co-hosted by Tom Kereszti and Dr. Stephen Kalauhi, transformation coach)
  • Rock East County Campus, 808 Jackman Street, El Cajon, CA 92020
  • Ticket info: contact Tom Kereszti, [email protected]

Quotable: “What is leadership? Leadership begins with leadership of yourself, then leadership of others and ultimately leadership of leaders. Tom is an industry influencer who adds value to individuals and companies reach their highest potential through life changing leadership principles.” – Tom Kereszti

Notable: Based on John Maxwell’s Biblically-based leadership principles, Tom will fine-tune his workshops, mentoring and coaching materials for your specific personal and business challenges. He will help transform your company and help your team realize its true leadership potential. Everything rises and falls on leadership. Look for an upcoming mastermind seminar hosted by Tom at CyberTECH.

Company Video: The John Maxwell Team

TOM KERESZTI is located within NEST at X-Hive, the newly-opened CoWork space at 1855 First Avenue, Suite 201, San Diego, CA 92103.

To inquire about available space, contact Darin Andersen: